Monday, August 22, 2016

~ Review ~ Dirty by HJ Bellus
Dirty by HJ Bellus
5 ๐ŸŒŸ's

We can all take a lesson from Zane's life .. truth is you don't know how good you really have it until you see or become aware of how bad others have it! It's a harsh reality. Zane makes the best choices that he can with the hand that he's been dealt and all the circumstances that surround him. Zane is a strong man who lacks confidence in himself. Ava is an equally strong woman determined to be the person she wants to be. Ava hasn't known love but she fights to show Zane he's worthy of love. Grandpa is endearing. HJ Bellus has created characters that you welcome into your heart and don't want to let go.
I loved the visual that HJ Bellus created with the description of the chocolate chip pancake breakfast for Zane's bday. OMG
The way that HJ Bellus provided the readers with detailed descriptions of the dancing at the club was like painting a picture for us to drool over!
I felt a range of emotions throughout this book and can't wait to read Rhett and Darby's story.
#shitsabouttogodown #bestcarnivalrideever

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